Canada's missing or killed indigenous women 'higher than thought'

Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Ms Bennett said the true figure of missing or murdered women is higher than previously thought
The Canadian government has confirmed that the number of missing or murdered indigenous women in the country may be higher than the previously cited 1,200.
Ministers recently spoke to survivors across Canada to begin a government inquiry into the matter.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a key campaign pledge to address this.
Canada's minister for the status of women suggested on Tuesday the accurate number of missing and murdered women could be as high as 4,000.
Patty Hajdu said the government did not have an accurate figure but she indicated there was research from the Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC) that said there were about 4,000.
The often-cited 1,200 figure came from a 2014 Royal Canadian Mounted Police report on the missing women, related to the period between 1980 and 2012.
"During those discussions, the ministers have heard from participants that they believe the number of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls is higher than 1,200," said Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett.


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